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New situation, new journey and new development

Time: 2021-12-07

According to President Xi Jinping’s concept of environmental protection for New Era,”Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”, Jiangsu Province proposed new requirements for environmental protection and industrial development in Taihu Basin. Jiangsu Ruijia Food Ingredient Co., Ltd. actively seeks for transformational development, adheres to the concept of making food additive Triacetin more competitive. In order to maintain market and strengthen market leadership, we decide to increase investment and build new production base.

After several rounds of on-the-sport investigation and discussion, the board decided to accelerate the investment project which will has annual output of 80,000 tons of food additive Triacetin, 40,000 tons of environmental plasticizer, 10,000 tons of leather auxiliaries, and 600 tons catalyst project."



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